Monday, June 1, 2009

Dick Cheney, Same-Sex Marriage and Gay Pride

Dick Cheney said recently that he believes all people are free to join whatever union they would like. Ann Althouse called him the "handmaiden for the left". Let's not forget here, Dick Cheney is no leftist. He is a right wing, dare I say it, nut. Watch the whole thing and you see, sure we can join a union or arrangement we like, but we do not deserve marriage. It's easy to forget history. Dick Cheney shot someone in the face. He also was behind many of George Bush's policies and here I believe that Dick Cheney showed his true colors. I do not go as far to say that he is a horrible man, but as Vice presidents go, he was most definitely a puppeteer. Any arrangement we like can be interpreted into many ways. I can go into a legal arrangement with my television that it'll turn on when I press the power button. Would it hold up in court? Probably not. He skirts the issue, as he did so well in his 8 years as vp. Gay daughter or not, he did not further our cause, but simply gave us a soundbyte. I saw the headline earlier, "Dick Cheney believes people are free to join any union they wish". It sounds great, but like most things Dick Cheney does it just sounds great. Yet again good ol' Dick lets me down. Story of my life.
On another note, Gay pride. It is the local gay pride fest this weekend. I for one, will not be joining. Call me jaded, call me bitter, call me Suzy but it just seems so useless. Stereotypes dancing on floats, mardi gras like celebrating and more men to show all the normal gay men that we do not belong. It's yet again, like being a teenage school girl for the rest of your life. Are you thin, beautiful and popular? Well if not please do not show up. So, maybe I'm not fat, ugly and a social pariah, but I'm not the other extreme either. Our nation was built on diversity but gay pride is yet another event that makes me feel like the fat girl at the prom. Sure I might have a good time, but why even bother to show up? Plus Dick Cheney never returns my calls. So I shall stay home from the ball and eat cheese and crackers with some wine. That's all the pride I need. Former slut...out.

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