Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Children are Our Future?

I'm at work right now. I know I should be working right now. They are working on some crap or other. I don't know. Its been a tiring day. This morning my dog was horribly frantic. I walked out with a bag of cd's instead of my lunch and I almost forgot to wear a belt. Granted it's not a horrible day, but then I realized the kids don't have P.E. today. That's 45 minutes of bliss I could've used napping or setting the classroom on fire. Things like that. I hate to say it but this job sucks. The children aren't all the bad, but I watch tv and think, whether they are our future or not is unimportant. They have no future to work with anyway. So, perhaps the children are our future, but we're not leaving them much to work with. Plus they scream a lot and ask to use the restroom every five minutes. I get 35 minutes to eat. I want to scream, but I' can't. I want to run out on them, but I'm sure some of them have already gone through that. I want to quit, but this is the only thing keeping me busy these days. School is almost out. I guess I'll just deal but you bet your sweet ass I'll be drinking like an Irishman when I get out of here.

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