Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Myspace and Facebook's Flaws

This is my first blog. Well no, I lie. I had a few blogs on myspace and a couple on Facebook. In this day and age, everybody has something to say. I want to tell you right now, I have tons of things to say. I'm a cornucopia of verbal diarrhea. I think blogs are a great way to tell the world your deepest and darkest secrets. The problem with myspace is that it becomes a showboat of one upmanship when it comes to who has a great story to tell. I have tons of stories. I once woke up in another city. I once woke up in jail. The problem with myspace is that there is no anonymity. Not that I'm ashamed of the things I've done. I'll tell anyone what they want to know, but I'd rather I be some ethereal being that you can imagine for yourself. I deleted my myspace and facebook. This is where it all begins. The fantastic thing about deleting your myspace and facebook is that you had no idea you were wearing shackles, very trendy shackles. Facebook is much worse. Did I really want to know that my friend John is going to Hooters? Probably not. Did he invite me? I don't know. He's a facebook friend. So it comes down to the day ol' dilemna. Is he really a friend? The great thing about purging your ties to the internet is that now, it's time to find out who's really my friend and who isn't. Granted, I love myspace and facebook. They are great ways to connect to the outside world, but like a spiderweb, did I become entangled in lies and trendy electronic ties? If I could, I would start a revolution. BRING DOWN MYSPACE AND FACEBOOK! But I am a realistic person. Nor would I want to bring it down. I really enjoy knowing what my close friends are doing. Some friends, one in the military, never really have a way of connecting except myspace. Myspace allows them to tell the world where they are and how they are doing. But she can email me too. Honestly. So, I begin the world of blogging on a new and wonderful note. So let's all cut our shackles and go outside and get some fresh air. Jim Nelson of GQ magazine recently talked about a study that shows people who have a lot of myspace friends tend to have fewer real friends. Go outside and kiss your neighbour. Call your friends and go get drunk, get coffee with them. Tell them in person what great people they are because time is short and although my friend John might be going to Hooters....I'm most certainly not going to know that next time around unless he invites me.

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