There's a real world then there's an idealistic world. Every major psychology theory has a yin and a yang. Carl Rogers called it an incongruence between the real and ideal self. Medical models will tell you there is a hormonal imbalance of the brain. Freud would call it Eros versus Thanatos (death drive). Reality therapists might say that we act dysfunctional in order to fulfill unmeet needs and that our "quality world" is at odds with the real world. Existentialists would say you have meaninglessness and death anxiety driving you to a neurotic anxiety. Gestalt would say that your lack of responsibility for your own actions may come into play, as you dichotomize your life and focus on meaningful wholeness but never achieving it. Individual psychologists would say you have a inferiority or superiority complex, or maybe you're the first born and are an overachivere. Cognitive therapists would say you have an ego disturbance or perhaps your automatic thoughts drive you to your own irrational behaviors. Consequently, all these theories have a major philosophy behind your neurotic and insane behaviour. You may not know it but at this very moment the things you think, say, worry about are destroying your lives. Well my life at least. I can't point the finger. Freud would say you might want to have sex with my finger. So stop thinking about my finger! But it's such a lovely finger. Long, phallic shaped, smooth but yet a little bit hairy. Do these thoughts make you want to smoke heroin? Who gives a shit. Freud was a cocaine addicted closeted homosexual. He's like a Viennese Karl Rove.
The point is, is a horrible, disastrous place. I tried searching "" and bad and well I'm sure I could find a few links to Anne Coulter. Beautiful woman. I'm gay and I'd fuck her, if she was tied up and gagged. I'm sure somewhere a Republican is taking that sentence out of context in order to prove that all homosexuals are deviants. I beg to differ Mr. Republican. All people are deviants, only some of us wear our deviancy on our sleeves. Homophobia aside, was a website I visited since the ripe young age of 13. I just know from here on out, this is not gonna go well for me in court. "I promise your honor, I wasn't 15 pretending to be 18. That was just some crazy blog I wrote. It's all fiction". But yes, when you are young you can try to pull off anything. I never did anything. Just chatted up people, pretended to be 18. I didn't want to push my luck by pretending I was say, 26. Hell, I am 26 and I have a hard time pretending I'm that age now. Again, I digress too much. is not horrible, but much like any new technology it has its throwbacks. If you live in bumfuck Nebraska, you can reach out to the world and connect with your fellow man (and I have to say legally, you must be 18 to join this website). You can chat with people that may be a little far but going through the same problems as yourself. Isn't that what the internet is all about? Reach out and touch somebody. My problem is, addiction. Porn is great, but if you find yourself in front of a computer screen beating off a few hours a day, then you have a problem. Television is great, but if you spend hours wondering what the weather is like in Akron Ohio or what far-fetched thing Star Jones will be selling on QVC (arm fat cream you say?) then you have a problem. Cell phones are great but when you're the douchebag on his phone in a theater and you accidently get kicked in the head, then you have a problem (and it ain't mine, because I swear my foot slipped and I did not appreciate getting called names or being thrown out of the theater either). Every new technology is great, until it turns on you and owns you. Remember that scene in Requiem for a Dream when Ellen Burstyn thinks her fridge is talking to her? You know, the scary part wasn't that it was talking, it was that we've all been there, am i right? Sitting on the couch eating Doritos at 4am wondering what horrifying thing your fridge has in it, perhaps you've had too much wine, and you look at the fridge and it looks human to you. It can feel emotions and somehow you've either pissed it off or made it happy. Oh yeah girl, yous gonna be on TV. And Jared Leto be getting his arms cut off because although I'm sure somebody on this planet does Heroin in moderation, your son sho don't. Uh huh. I have no idea why I said that. Anyway, stop eating is my point. Put the porn away, the chicken wing down, and turn off your fucking tv because its got swine flu.
And for me, click out of fucking Hours upon hours spent talking to douchebags who probably use their cell phones in a theater, guys asking me if i want an enema or less likely to happen but occasionally it does, random small chats. Granted I can think that eventually I'll find a guy I like, we'll settle down and get married and have 1.3 children and .74 dogs, I personally doubt it. It's an ideal world, and like any ideal world, it's not always your ideal. Each person forms their own "quality world" and most of the time it clashes with yours. I just wanted to log in, talk and see what's going on, make friends and maybe a lover or two. That's not exactly what happened. It turned into a bitch fest. Everyone screwing each other, literally and figuratively. My nails came out and I found my fingers were doing most of my socializing, social ranking and decision making. Most of these people I knew in person. You go to some queer watering hole or other and there they are. EnemaLuvr and BigPowerBottom18 are standing right there, wearing whatever trend tells them they should be wearing, pretending they are somebody else yet again.
That's the scary part. That they are real people. You can see them in the grocery store or local adult theater. I live in a kind of small town. Number 21 or something. Anyway, the possibilities of meeting someone online in real life are endless. He's your waiter at Chili's or Applebee's (do they only hire homos?). The problem is, online everyone fantasizes. They make up their own lives. They come up with their own fairy tales, and I promise you after 4 years of therapy and 2 years into my master's as a therapist, real life is not so pretty. But it is not something we should be ashamed of, just something we should face. Sure he's not 6'3 and 180 pounds. Would you want him to? That seems a little anorexic to me. I admit, I cut myself off from the technological world in some ways, but I left one account. I love to see these baboons in their wild habitat. I feel like Jane Gooddall and all the apes love Britney Spears. Powerbottom18 is most certainly not of age and should be kicked off immediately. EnemaLuvr is 38 and needs to stop saying boi. I hate homos. Sure, take that out of context, but remember we are the most bitchy group of people you'll ever meet. Being gay is like being a teenage girl, for your entire life. Now who wants that? More to come y'all. Did I just say y'all? Well shut up. I'm gay. It's a homo deficiency. So fuck you. Keep on brothers!